Don’t miss our online seminar on Building club membership

We are holding an online seminar, open free of charge to all EBU clubs, on Wednesday 27 June at 10.00am. We have a lot to share about how to build club membership; if you would like to attend, email, mentioning your club, and you would be most welcome.

1. Introduction and Welcome (Gordon Rainsford, EBU Chief Executive)
2. News and demo of our forthcoming improved online club directory and other initiatives to help enquirers discover your club (Tim Anderson, EBU Membership Development Officer)
3. Love your members: Bakewell bridge club and the journey to online and back to face to face (Barbara Rogers, Secretary Bakewell Bridge Club)
4. Success stories from both large and small clubs and lessons learned about how to increase engagement with club members (Ian Sidgwick, Chair Gloucestershire CBA)
5. EBED update on training teachers and directors for your club (Mark Humphris, EBED)
6. Teaching new bridge players in Yorkshire but where do they go once taught? Survey results (David Guild, Membership Secretary Yorkshire CBA)
7. Open Q&A

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