Example wording for a campaign leaflet

The following wording was used successfully by some clubs in Yorkshire as part of their membership campaign. It is suitable for a leaflet, poster or online advertisement. You are free to use and adapt it as you wish.

Anyone for Bridge?

Nobody disputes the benefits of exercise to keep in shape and enjoy the feel-good factor. But what about some mental gymnastics as well? The game of Bridge is rapidly becoming recognised as a great way to keep the brain in trim and to open up a new social scene at the same time.
Over three hundred thousand people playing Bridge on a regular basis in this country make this game one of the most popular leisure activities around.
The game is played with four people in two opposing partnerships, but you don’t need a regular partner – most Bridge Clubs have hosted sessions in their schedule.
A good memory is an asset, but not a pre-requisite; Bridge is excellent for memory training, as it is for fostering powers of concentration. Every deal poses a new problem – and problem-solving in Bridge can easily have a knock-on effect in real life.
Costs are minimal – you do not need expensive equipment or designer kit. You can have an afternoon or evening of Club Bridge for under a fiver.
Never played before? No problem. Clubs generally offer lessons.
Not competitive? Again, not a problem. There are matches at various levels, but also plenty of opportunity for simply social play.
Why not check out your local Bridge Club? Our XXXX Bridge Club is a thriving and friendly club, catering for all levels. Our membership is around XXX. Our Bridge lessons start in XXXX(month) each year. They are both for complete beginners and those returning to the game. For information, see our website XXXbridgeclub.co.uk or contact  NAME on NUMBER or email EMAILADDRESS.